General Haulage

The goods we carry are so varied in size, weight and length and no two days are the same.
We have our regulars with Paper Pulp, Insulation, Soft Drinks, Scaffolding, and Toilet Tissue. But as the year rolls by, General Haulage follows the seasons.
In January comes the Rock Salt and Anti-Freeze. February brings the Cards and Roses, March the Bedding Plants and Compost. April the Easter Eggs and Spring Flowers, May sees the Garden Furniture and BBQs. June, July, and August you name it – Camping Gear, Alcohol, more Compost, Plants, Office Furniture, Cement, Sand, Building Materials, Patio Slabs, and Fence Panels.
September is the start of Christmas followed by all the Halloween Goods in October with Pumpkins by the pallet and Fireworks by the Truck Load for Asda, Aldi, and Morrisons into November and after all this, it’s flat out with Wrapping Paper and everything else until Christmas and the New Year Holiday.
In Memory of my parents
Maureen & Clive Fletcher who were continually supportive and always encouraging.